
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Five Ways to Win My Heart

Note: This is the first of a series of posts written from prompts from the October Blogging Challenge.

The prompt maker likes to start out with a bang! The original prompt for today is "Five ways to win your heart". What a fun prompt! But there is a part of me that can't believe I'm posting this online!

The thing about me is that I'm a bit odd when it comes to relationships. I am much more interested in the heart and intellectual connection than the sexual one. This stems from the fact that a) I am not all that good at the sexual side of relationships due to various touch sensitivities, and b) most people think I'm a bit crazy and weird. But don't get me wrong. I do like to cuddle. I really like to cuddle.

As much as I'd like a relationship, I know that I don't make the best girlfriend. I mean, seriously, most males are not that interested in a girl that has a low sex drive and issues around that. When I do get into a relationship, the pressure is usually too much, leaving the relationship broken and guilt-ridden.  And if there is one thing I can't stand, it is a guilt-trip.

But assuming for a moment that it could work, here is a how-to guide to winning my heart.

First off, you must not think I'm crazy. You have to get it. I don't want to be "yes dear"ed one more time. The truth is that I may be a bit crazy. I don't fit into the societal norms. I don't want the house. I don't want to settle. I'd much prefer to travel. So really liking my ideas about the world is a great start. This includes my love of math and programming. You don't have to be a programmer, but know that I will talk about it. :) I mean, I do MIT classes for fun!

Secondly, you must be a good person and really show it. I have been hurt too many times to just trust people right off the bat. I mean, I usually assume that people are going to be nice and trustworthy at a friend level, but to get closer than that, I have to trust you. Being honest and open goes a long way.

Third, you have to love to travel and be willing to travel with me. There is no way I could date someone who hates to travel. I love traveling (I want to be nomadic, so yeah). Being willing to take trips, especially long term/distance trips, would be awesome!

Fourth, I tend to be socially awkward. I suck at knowing what people want me to do. This usually causes people to get pissed at me and think that I'm inconsiderate and rude. Helping me in social situations is a great way to win my heart. Trying to understand how my brain works and finding ways to work with me instead of getting angry at me is a trait that I absolutely treasure. I work the best with people who just think I'm a bit weird and figure out how to get around it instead of hating me for it.

The fifth way to win my heart is the easy one. Cook me dinner. Seriously, I love homecooked meals. I have food allergies so you might want to ask for those first. But a home-cooked meal is awesome!!!!

So yeah. Five ways to win my heart. This was a surprisingly hard entry to write and post since it is a very private subject. But hey! I committed to this list. Tomorrow's entry will be easier!

Oh, want a bonus way? This one is definitely not a requirement, but it wouldn't hurt.... I do Blues and West Coast Swing  Fusion dancing. Learn to lead. There is nothing quite like a really good dance. Here are two pros dancing to show you want I mean:

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