
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Reviving this Blog

It is now the end of 2017, over 3 years since the last post on this blog. I definitely didn't finish that blogging challenge. A lot has changed.

For one, I have an RV. I live in it full time. I have a day job that I actually like. I don't want to be a blogger or make my money through marketing that I have to do. And I'm good with that.

I spent a few months in Thailand earlier this year. When they say that traveling changes you, they were not lying. I'm not the same person I was when I left. I still have fear, but it doesn't hold me back anymore. I'm more in touch with myself. I understand that the dream that I was pursuing and failing at so badly wasn't the right dream for me.

This has been the best year of my life! And now it's ending with a bang! :)

So why am I writing this? I have recently started taking a creative writing class and I want a place that I can post random writing stuff. These are unedited and likely will have typos and whatnot. But I want to get them all in one place.

I want to tell my story. I need to discover who I am.

And since I haven't posted in a while, here is my 2017 song of the year, just for fun!

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